I kind of wish I had spent more time early on/knew what i wanted to do early on/put more time overall in the period given, but whatever, I still finished! I'm pretty unhappy with the hair - next time I'll be using a subtool for the hair instead of having it straight on the model, and next time I'll actually spend some time figuring out how to sculpt short curly hair.
Additionally, next time I'll put more time into the small details. Right now he's a bit stylized but I wanted him to be a little bit more gritty and bumpy. I'm still learning the whole zbrush thing and though I've definitely learned much there is still a long long long way to go.
Here's what he looked like in zbrush:
As you can see, he's somewhat more gritty and pocked. In the future I'm probably going to try and make another bust of perhaps another character from my beloved dune series - I'm thinking a Tleilaxu or something. Who knows. NExt time around i'll be sure to go aysymmetrical earlier, and next time I'll use a tool when I'm retopo-ing instead of pushing points individually (bleh!)
Fingers crossed, I've got a 50% chance to win in my category!
Baron Von Awesome
Nice job Bryce, maybe you company will create a Dune game now..
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